Healing. Calming. Soothing. Tightening. Get back to your normal self. This Herbal and Essential Oil proprietary blend strengthens inflamed, wounded vaginal tissue after birth. As a Certified Birth Doula, Aromatherapist, and Herbalist each herb is handpicked for their specific constituents. Instructions included with order.
After tearing or an episiotomy the area around the vaginal area will be uncomfortable and sensitive for a few days. This cleansing spray helps heal you up naturally. This special synergy and herbal blend contains anti inflammatory, anti bacterial, and healing compounds.
Whether your Cesarean Section was scheduled or an emergency, recovering from a c section is different from natural birth recovery. Most of the time the healing can be handled with herbs and different essential oils. With antibacterial, and scar healing properties this special essential oils synergy helps heal the scar while also calming nerves and easing your pain.
Good nutrition and feeding your baby often are keys to producing milk, but there are Essential Oils that can help when that is not enough. This essential oil synergy increases and nourishes your milk supply. This custom synergy helps prep your body for the milk supply that your baby will need.
The Wombman Doula Care Nourishing Pregnancy Tea is proprietary blend that helps nourish, tone, and strengthen your uterus preparing it for birth. This pregnancy safe blend is rich with vital minerals and vitamins for momma and baby. As a Certified Birth Doula, Aromatherapist, and Herbalist each herb is handpicked for their specific constituents. Drink 1 - 2 cups a day.…